Monday, September 29, 2008

Mike Rowe From "Dirty Jobs" Goes Nashville Country

Dirty Jobs is a program on the Discovery Channel in which host Mike Rowe is shown performing difficult, strange, and/or messy occupational duties alongside the typical employees. The appeal of the show is the character of Mike Rowe, a well-spoken man of television with a sharp, sarcastic, self-deprecating wit, the blue-collar situations in which he's put, and the colorful personalities of the men and women who actually do that job for a living. And now, armed with a guitar and his loyal video guy Dave Barsky on the banjo, they're taking on the Nashville Music Scene:

Okay, maybe not. He can always keep his day job, or at least everybody else's day jobs.

At the conclusion of a two-hour special edition commemorating Mike's 100th dirty job, he and field producer Dave Barsky faked a guitar/banjo duet, featuring an extended version of this anthem which ran a little over two minutes in length (Rowe actually sang all the parts while Rowe's friend Matt played all the instruments.)

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