Without warning, the left front tire blew out while the bus was traveling along Interstate 80 through North Platt, Nebraska on Sunday, March 22, 2009 around 1 p.m. At the time, Chuck Pursel, who was relieving the driver in the midst of a 36-hour trip, unexpectedly lost control of the bus, cascaded down the embankment over the median, onto two wheels, and bounced into oncoming traffic. Faced with the choice of colliding into approaching vehicles or risking rolling the bus, Chuck chanced a flip, but fortunately regained control by turning the wheel hard to the right. Chuck safely brought the bus to a complete stop in the center of the median. The front of the bus and undercarriage endured minor damage. The tire was replaced onsite, resulting in the crew being delayed a few hours in their travels. All involved arrived home safely Monday afternoon, welcomed by overjoyed family and friends.
“By divine intervention, we were at the right place at the right time for a serious incident like this to happen and have everyone walk away unscathed,” said Tracy Lawrence. Tracy is shooting the video for his latest single “Up To Him” from his forthcoming inspirational country CD, THE ROCK, today
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