Written by Azar and hit songwriters A.J. Masters and Jim Femino, "Moo La Moo" is an upbeat song that will put a smile on your face and a groove in your step, even if you're faced with the dilemma of being broke long before payday comes. While that's something almost everyone can relate to these days, Azar claims the lyrics weren't inspired by the recent economic downturn.
"We wrote this song more than four years ago--and not because of the times we all seem to be going through right now," explains Azar. "The times have just caught up with the song."
"Moo La Moo" is the brand new single from Azar's yet-to-be titled album, scheduled for release this summer on Ride Records.
Love Steve Azar's music. Hope the new CD is out soon! Keep us posted!