Gray hopes to raise $150,000 or more with the second annual Trey Gray Tee off for a Cure Golf Tournament on Friday September 25, 2009 at the Hermitage Golf Course in Nashville. Honorary chair Kix Brooks will be up for auction and will play 9 holes with each of the two highest bidders. Kix Brooks and Ronnie Dunn, along with other celebrity artists, will be playing with and assisting the golfers. The format is a 4-man scramble with a shotgun start. Registration, putting contest and lunch will begin at 11 a.m. The tournament begins at 1 pm. and will conclude with dinner, silent auction, and an awards presentation scheduled for 6 p.m. Golfers and guests will be entertained by local musicians and will be able to bid on such items as music and sports memorabilia, vacation packages, gift certificate for fine dining and much more. Raffle items and door prizes are also available.
Cost to participate is $175 per person or $650 per foursome. A limited number of sponsorships are available and range in price from $100-$20,000. Proceeds will support national research into a cure or treatment for Huntington’s as well as local education and support services for victims and families of HD. Trey and Lisa’s intention for this event is to raise $150,000 or more that may provide seed money for an HD Center of Excellence in TN and to raise at least $1,000,000 by 2012 to generate funds for ongoing support of the Center of Excellence and the HDSA Chapter in Tennessee.
The golf tournament is one of many national events scheduled for 2009 to benefit the funding and advancement of research, education, and care programs of HDSA. To register for the golf tournament or for more information about sponsoring, please call 615.732.9220 or email grayhd@yahoo.com. Donations can be made online at: http://www.firstgiving.com/treygrayteeoffforacure
HD is a devastating, fatal, and hereditary neurological disease that destroys the brain. It brings tragedy and a legacy of economic, social, and emotional pain and suffering. HD symptoms include mood swings, incoordination, depression, difficulty speaking or swallowing, forgetfulness, and involuntary twitching. Huntington’s serves as a “model” for other neurodegenerative and genetic disorders like Parkinson’s, ALS and Alzheimer’s, which affect millions of Americans.
That's great! People like him need to be mentioned more in the news, instead of celebrities like Jessica Simpson. Great story!