Thursday, August 13, 2009

Toby Keith Skewers American Hypocrisy In New Video

If you’ve ever seen the genius JibJab movies and loved them as I do, you’ll dig the new Toby Keith video for “American Ride.”


  1. This is one of the best videos hes done. The song is great and true. Hes the only guy who could pull this song off

  2. Love it! Toby just has a way of summing up what so many are thinking. Even though he didn't write the song, it fits his style perfectly. Thanks Toby!

  3. Toby disappointed me. He leaves women in less than a good light when comparing the wife at home watching desperate housewives while the "husband works his ass off paying for the good life". I don't know about your house, but this gal works just as hard as her husband does.
