Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kanye West Is A Schmuck- Interrupts Taylor Swift During Her MTV Win Speech

During tonight’s MTV Video Music Awards, young country star Taylor Swift beat all other artists and all other genres with a big win for Best Female Video for "You Belong With Me." It was her first Moon Man trophy for the 19-year-old country star.

She began, "I always dreamed about what it would be like to win one of these one day," Taylor said with surprise. "I never thought it would happen."

But halfway through her acceptance, Kanye West, the boorish, arrogant and idiotic music star joined her on stage, took away the microphone and promptly announced that he thought Beyonce should have won. "Hey Taylor, I'm really happy for you, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time."

Click here to watch Kanye's outburt.

Taylor looked justifiably horrified. That was the bad part.

The good part? The audience booed him. Loudly. And then louder still. And then they promptly gave Taylor a standing ovation. And then booed Kanye throughout the night whenever his name was mentioned for an award. Karma is a great thing.

The best quote of the night came from pop sensation, Pink. Before the end of the awards, she tweeted about her annoyance with Kanye. "Kanye West is the biggest piece of sh-t on earth. Quote me," she wrote. "My heart goes out to Taylor Swift. She is a sweet and talented girl, and deserved her moment. She should know we all love her."

Fortunately, Taylor got another chance to complete her acceptance speech. When Beyonce accepted the Best Video Award for "Single Ladies," she invited Taylor back on stage and did one of the more classy things I’ve ever seen done, set aside her own speech so Taylor could finish hers.

"Wow, this is amazing," Beyonce said when receiving her award. "I remember being 17-years-old and up for my first MTV award with Destiny's Child. It was one of the most exciting moments in my life. So, I'd like for Taylor to come out and have her moment."

See the video below:

Taylor then joined Beyonce on stage and recited her acceptance speech, finishing off a wild evening for the teenager.


  1. he better not be in the same room with me anytime soon.
    donna austin

  2. Larry the Cable guy said:

    "He wouldn't have done that to Toby or Trace and if he did it to me, Kanye West would be heading SOUTH".
