The website for Wayne’s “Meet Me Halfway” walk from Nashville to Phoenix also went live yesterday as well- at http://meetmehalfway.jimmywayne.com. On the site, fans can track Wayne’s progress, view video and photo updates from the road as well as donate to “Meet Me Halfway” to help homeless youth. Wayne’s Monday webcast on the new site will mark his first live broadcast since beginning his trek halfway across America on New Year’s Day.
So far, the coldest temperatures the Southeast has seen in some 50 years have slowed Wayne’s progress, but the artist is still making good time, and at this moment (Friday afternoon) is outside Jackson, Tennessee.
“I’ve had to sleep inside the past several nights because of these single digit temperatures,” Wayne said. “That wasn’t my plan, but sometimes Mother Nature wins. Next week the area will hit highs in the 40’s, downright balmy compared to what it’s been, and I hope to get some good hours of walking under my belt.”
Meet Me Halfway is a project Wayne began in order to raise awareness of the plight of homeless children, teens and young people, particularly those who age out of the foster care system and often have nowhere to go.
“This situation is one we as a nation need to talk about because there is a fix,” Wayne said. “No one should be without a roof over their head and a warm place to sleep at night. But there are hundreds of thousands of kids in this country who are faced with exactly that problem. I have been overwhelmed by the kindness of people on my walk—I know what America is made of, and I know we can help these kids. It's amazing how something as simple as walking can influence many to take a stand.”
For those interested in making donations to organizations who help homeless youth or the “Meet Me Halfway” project specifically, please visit the “Meet Me Halfway” website at http://meetmehalfway.jimmywayne.com.
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