Monday, March 15, 2010

Up & Coming New Nashville- Lauren Winans (With Exclusive Interview)

Lauren Winans’ passion for singing was evident early on. Many of Lauren's activities and interests growing up involved singing and songwriting. She would often make up plays and songs for her family, neighbors or anyone who would listen to her. She often "convinced" her grandpa and little sister to be a part of the show.

Before long, Lauren was belting out songs from Faith Hill & Britney Spears. Teachers and classmates alike were entertained during recess with Lauren's impromptu concerts. Lauren couldn't understand why the other kids wanted to play on the playground while all she wanted to do was put on a show. That shows just how young her drive to perform began. Throughout the years, Lauren never gave up on fulfilling her passion for music. She sang in church, talent contests, and small country fairs, perfecting her talent. When Lauren turned 14, she begged her mom and dad to let her record at a local studio. They agreed & there she truly felt at home. Studio owner, Seth Maynard, saw something special in Lauren and encouraged her to seriously pursue songwriting. Lauren and Seth have written many songs & continue to work on multiple projects. It was Seth who insisted Lauren start playing a musical instrument. So, she chose guitar and has been honing her own, unique style of edgy country, telling stories of her life in her little town in West Virginia. Her small town values are what keeps Lauren real. She has strong ties to her family and her West Virginia roots. If she isn't singing, you will find her at her grandparents house. To keep in touch while Lauren is traveling between cities, she has taught both of her grandparents how to text.

Lauren has spent most of the past year between home in WV and Nashville. She will be working in Reading, PA in the upcoming months to further her career. Lauren continues to surround herself with people who believe in her, becomeing a very talented singer/songwriter.

What brought you to music in the first place?
I have been interested in music since I was able to talk. Music was always playing in the car or house and I was always singing along! Belle from Beauty and the Beast, was the first person I started to imitate. Later in life, Faith Hill & then Britney Spears.

Describe your music- what's the mission behind the music?
My music is a mix of rock & country put together to sound unique. I love country music and I love the sound of crazy electric guitars, so I try to incorporate both of those aspects, with my true country roots behind it. I have a very raw voice and it can go lots of ways. The director of my, "No Boys Allowed" video quotes "Lauren country rocks!" The mission behind my music is to bring something different to the table and something that is so real...which people can relate to. There is also a lot of humor in what I am singing about.

What might people be surprised to find out about you?
I have the worst luck, ever, with boys, so all my songs have ended up being very female empowering.. and to make it even better, my co-writer is a man, Seth Maynard... funny! He can get into my head and help with what I want to say better than anyone else I know!

What kind of music are you listening to? What's in your iPod?
ANYTHING Britney Spears or Kellie Pickler.... I don't have an iPod! (Laughter) But I listen to a lot of Jessie James because she reminds me of myself! Right now, Lady Gaga is in my car's CD player.

If you had a crystal ball and looked forward five years, what do you see for yourself?
I sure hope I am on a huge tour...have tried on all the costumes from Britney Spears' videos.. and Taylor Swift and I are b-f-f-s... I will be married to Jessie McCartney.. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Also, I want to be on Chelsea Lately & Ellen! They are both SO funny!! Is that too much for a girl to ask?

Nickname for your guitar or other instruments?
I call my guitar my "boyfriend" because I feel like my guitar is more of a boyfriend to me than most of the boyfriends I have had!

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